Every day, more than 170 million people around the world benefit from the energy we provide. Energy that not only powers their needs but enriches their lives. At the same time, we aim to be a net zero company by 2050, finding new solutions to oil, gas, renewables and low carbon in the energy transition.
Energy for people. Progress for society. Searching for better.
Equinor appeals fine for violation of market regulations in France
By the decision of the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), Equinor is obliged to publish the following summary in French, English and Norwegian language.
Les sociétés Danske Commodities A/S et Equinor ASA ontétécondamnées, par unedécision n° 08-40-23 de la Commission de régulation de l’énergie (CRE) du 20 janvier 2025, au titre de la méconnaissance de l’article 5 du règlement REMIT qui prohibe les manipulations de marché, au paiement de sanctions pécuniaires, dont les montantss’élèvent à huit millions d’euros (8.000.000 €) pour la société Danske Commodities A/S et quatre millions d’euros (4.000.000 €) pour la société Equinor ASA, pour des manipulations commises sur le marché de gros en 2019 et en 2020, ence qui concerne les capacités de transport de gaz naturel entre la France et l’Espagne.
Danske Commodities A/S and Equinor ASA were ordered by decision no. 08-40-23 of Commission de régulation de l’énergie (CRE) of 20 January 2025 to pay - for infringement of Article 5 of REMIT Regulation prohibiting market manipulations - financial penalties in the amount of eight million euros (€8,000,000) as regards Danske Commodities A/S and four million euros (€4,000,000) as regards Equinor ASA, for manipulations committed on the wholesale market in 2019 and 2020, with regard to natural gas transmission capacity between France and Spain.
Equinor does not agree with the decision from CREand will appeal the case to the Higher Administrative Court in France.