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Photo: Einar Aslaksen

About us

Equinor is an international energy company committed to long-term value creation in a low-carbon future.

Our purpose: Energy for people. Progress for society. Searching for better.

We are headquartered in Norway with around 25,000 employees in more than 20 countries. We are the largest supplier of energy to Europe, and our portfolio encompasses oil and gas, renewables, and low-carbon solutions. Equinor is a world-leading offshore operator, and an international pioneer in renewables and low-carbon solutions.

Today, in an increasingly unpredictable world, our deliveries of oil, gas, and wind power provide a vital contribution to Europe’s energy security.

We aim to be a leading company in the energy transition and become a net-zero energy company by 2050. We are committed to long-term value creation in a low-carbon future, creating value through the opportunities the energy transition brings, breaking new industrial ground by building on 50 years of experience.

In Equinor, we believe that collaboration across disciplines, companies, and countries hold the key to solving the energy transition, the greatest task of our time.

  • 25,000

    Employees around the world (2024)

  • 20+ countries

    Where we have offices

  • 9,000

    Suppliers working with us

  • 2,067 mboe/day

    Equity oil and gas production (2024)

  • 2.93 TWh

    Renewable power generation, Equinor share in 2024

  • 103,800 USD million

    Total revenues and other income (2024)

Equinor world map
Our global presence

Equinor is an international energy company with a proud history. All of us play a part in its future. Our company was established in 1972 to create value and build industry. Through the decades our people have been inspired by a strong sense of meaning and direction – and today we capture this in our purpose: Energy for people. Progress for society. Searching for better.

Anders OpedalPresident and Chief Executive Officer. Equinor ASA
Anders Opedal. CEO Equinor ASA

Our business

Our portfolio encompasses oil and gas, renewables and low-carbon solutions. We are one of the largest suppliers of energy to Europe, a world-leading offshore operator and an international pioneer in renewables and low-carbon solutions.

Our climate ambitions: getting to net zero

Our ambition is to reduce the net carbon intensity (NCI) of the energy we provide by 15-20% by 2030, including scope 3 emissions from the use of our products. Our ambition is to continue supplying society with energy while reducing emissions to reach net zero by 2050.

Our values: Open. Collaborative. Caring. Courageous.

Our values embody the spirit and energy of Equinor at its best. They help us set direction and they guide our decisions, actions and the way we interact with others. Our values express the ideals we strive to live up to every day.

Our culture, strengths and values

Our approach

Equinor logo

Our brand

Through our brand, we wish to position ourselves as a leading company in the energy transition with the industrial strength to make a difference, driven by purpose, people, innovative thinking and not least — collaboration.

We seek to measure, maintain and strengthen our brand toward internal and external stakeholders through regular surveys of public opinion and internal employee satisfaction surveys.

In Norway, we support young people through our sponsorship and talent development programme Heroes of Tomorrow (Morgendagens Helter), and through our Equinor Support Scheme (Equinor Støtteordning) we also support clubs, associations and organisations that work for children and young people up to the age of 25.

We also focus on the following areas:

Communicating a clear vision and values: We aspire to to convey a clear and compelling vision to help stakeholders understand our strategic direction and business model.

Focus on sustainability: We seek to demonstrate our commitment to sustainable practices and renewable energy, including our ambition for net zero by 2050.

Regular engagement with stakeholders: We actively utilise social media, webinars, podcasts, news and newsletters, public debates and presentations with the intention of helping key stakeholders up to date and informed about our activities, achievements, and plans for the future.

We invest in the community: We engage in many corporate social responsibility initiatives, including investing in local communities, contributing to social causes, and participating in volunteer activities. For more information, see Human rights cases and examples under the section on our approach to Human rights.

Promoting transparency: Openness is one of our values, and we strive to be open and transparent in all aspects of our business, financial performance and corporate governance.

Cultivating a positive company culture: We strive to maintain a positive and inclusive company culture, including offering attractive compensation and benefits, providing opportunities for growth and development, and fostering a supportive working environment.

Our name

In May 2018, our Annual General Meeting voted to change our company name from Statoil to Equinor to better reflect our evolution and identity as a company for the generations to come.

Our new name derives from two key ideas: the first part denoting equal, equality, and equilibrium, and the second part signalling a company proud of its Norwegian origins that we will use actively in our positioning.

The story of a new name
Arve Johnsen, first CEO

Our history

In 1972, Statoil was formed by a decision of the Norwegian parliament and owned 100% by the Norwegian State. In 2001, Equinor was listed on the Oslo and New York stock exchanges with a 67% majority stake owned by the Norwegian State. In 2018 we changed our name to Equinor.