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About Energy Perspectives

Energy Perspectives is an independent energy scenario analysis prepared annually by Equinor analysts in macroeconomics, energy markets and geopolitics.

The analysis describes development paths up to 2050 for the world economy, energy markets and energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, and includes a 1.5 degree scenario.

The scenarios are not detailed predictions but possible contrasting pathways providing a platform for debate and decision-making.

Energy Perspectives 2024

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6 June, 2024: Presentation by Eirik WĂŚrness, chief economist. Video: Holi AS, Norway, for Equinor

  • To deliver on global climate targets, the world needs to see an entirely different speed in the energy transition than today

  • Our two scenarios Walls and Bridges illustrate the difference between a change in pace and a revolution in the energy transition.

  • The key to the energy transition and higher energy efficiency lies in electrification, while expanding solar & wind on a large scale

6 June, 2024: The speed and scale of the energy transition must increase in order to reach the 1.5-degree ambition.

In 2024, almost half of the world’s population go to the polls. Many elections will demonstrate some of the key trends shaping world politics: geopolitical competition, economic nationalism, and political polarisation. This in turn will impact global energy markets and the progress of the energy transition.

Despite some region’s adamant push on energy transition efforts, both through stimulus and regulation, the global development over the past few years has made the challenges of delivering on the 1.5°C ambition larger.

Eirik WĂŚrnessChief Economist in Equinor
Eirik WĂŚrness

Previous Energy Perspectives reports

Here you can find our archive of previous editions of Energy Perspectives.