Visund is an oil and gas field situated in blocks 34/8 and 34/7, 22 kilometres northeast of the Gullfaks field in the Tampen area.
Visund was proven in 1986 and production started on 21 April 1999. Gas exports started on 7 October 2005. The water depth at Visund is 335 metres.
The Visund development includes a floating drilling, processing and quarters platform. The wells on the field are tied into the platform with flexible risers. Visund also has several subsea templates -including the Visund North template which is linked to the Visund platform via a 10-km pipeline and the Visund South subsea template which is linked to Gullfaks C via a 10-km pipeline. Visund South came on stream in November 2012, followed by Visund North in November 2013. Several new deposits have been proven through the years which have been tied into the existing infrastructure on Visund.
Based on the 2021 plan, expected recovery from Visund is around 65 billion cubic metres of gas, 8.3 million tonnes of NGL and 45 million cubic metres of oil, including Visund North and Visund South
The oil is sent by pipeline to Gullfaks A for storage and export. The gas is sent by pipeline via the Kvitebjørn gas pipeline for further processing at Kollsnes north of Bergen. The dry gas is then routed to the gas markets in Europe.
The Visund South production is processed and exported along with the Gullfaks volumes.
Location: 22 kilometres northeast of the Gullfaks field in the Tampen area
Start-up: 21 April 1999
Production: Oil and gas