Spanning blocks 34/4 and 34/7 in the Tampen area of the Norwegian North Sea, this field has been producing oil and gas since August 1992. The field consists of the platforms Snorre A and Snorre B, and extensive underwater production systems.

Snorre A platform.
Photo: Harald Pettersen
Snorre A
Snorre A is an integrated production, drilling and quarters (PDQ) unit. This tension leg platform (TLP) is moored to the seabed by steel tethers. Stabilised oil from the Snorre A and Vigdis fields is transported by pipeline to the Gullfaks A platform for storage and export. The gas on the field is injected back into the reservoir.
Snorre B
The Snorre B platform came on stream in June 2001. This semi-submersible PDQ floater lies about seven kilometers north of the A platform. Oil from Snorre B is piped for 45 kilometres to Statfjord B for storage and export. The gas on the field is injected back into the reservoir.
Location: Block 34/4 and 34/7 in the Tampen area
Production start: Snorre A - 3 August 1992, Snorre B - June 2001
Production: Oil and gas
Read more about Snorre on Norwegian Petroleum's website