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Digital Field Worker (DFW) support

Photo: Einar Aslaksen
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Digital Field Worker (DFW) concept is a program started in 2019 to implement DFW to Equinor's installations and facilities. The DFW concept aims to improve safety, increase time on tool and operating time out in the field, by using EX approved digital devices. At the start of 2023 devices have been delivered to offshore and onshore Norway, Peregrino in Brazil, and Mariner in UK. We are over 5500 DFWs in Equinor!

What is Digital Field Worker?

A DFW does normal tasks as a field worker, but with a changed way of working using new technology. The digital tools used are a tablet or smart telephone. In Equinor Apple devices are chosen as standard equipment, where most either use iPhone or iPad mini.

On the device the field worker has access to many different apps such as notification, work order, Microsoft Teams, and Control of Work (Permit Vision). This combination of device with key operational apps is often referred to as the Digital Field Worker.

The development is continuous and the DFW of tomorrow will be completely different from today. We have just started the digital journey!

DFW Safety

Safety is the main priority when using the Digital Field Worker. Equinor has different measures to ensure safe use of DFW equipment.

Fall prevention equipment

When using the DFW equipment, it is important to have the correct and approved fall prevention equipment. Equinor only have fall prevention equipment for Apple devices. The fall prevention equipment must meet the requirements specified in the Norwegian Standard NS-9611, for all work at heights on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. This standard can be found on "Standard Norge" website. For work at our international sites local requirements must be met.

There is different fall prevention equipment available on the market. It is important that the equipment used is approved for the relevant devices. Zone 1 and zone 2 devices need different equipment based on weight, size, etc. Below are some pictures to show examples of fall prevention equipment used by Equinor

Folder for iphone. Folder for ipad. Universal securing strap. Cord reel.

Equinor DFW vendor strategy

  • Equinor’s ambition is to enable apps related to the DFW concept with “Cross-platform” / “non-Equinor” - devices options.
  • Enabling vendors to use existing devices like tablets and smartphones, PCs, and laptops, with DFW functionality (no need for a dedicated device for Equinor apps).
  • Scope of work in the agreements between Equinor and vendor will be used as guideline for implementation of apps
Gullfaks A
Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland

Competence requirements

A requirement from Equinor is that all Digital Field Workers have completed the training course found on the Training Portal prior to going offshore with mobile devices. Select the right link below based on your access.

After completing the training course, please study the "Safe use of EX mobile device" instruction below. This describes what to do before, during, and after using the device in the field.

If you have signed up to the Training Portal course in advance, access via the link below in your preferred language. Alternatively, sign up via the registration link.

Before using the device

A) Get to know the vendors guidelines

The document contains important safety instructions and special conditions for the device. Read it before operations, start-up or testing of the unit.

B) Get to know the area classification and the local risk assessment

The classification overview can be found in the HSE handbook. Ask the installation/facility to be presented the local risk assessment, before using the device in the field.

C) Use approved fall protection equipment when work operations are performed at height

For general use secure the device in a way that prevents the device from drop and further damage. For iPad, use the recommended strap. It is recommended to secure the iPhone in your chest pocket.

D) Perform a pre-use check of the device

  1. No damage to the screen
  2. No visual damage to the device
  3. Yearly approval mark visual on the device.
  4. All connection points closed
Landing point for gas - Karmøy. Sverre Rønnevig
Photo: Arne Reidar Mortensen

When using the device


  1. The EX-enclosure shall under no circumstances be opened.
  2. When in field the device shall be stored safe to prevent damage to the device.
  3. Units approved for zone 2 must not be used in zone 1 classified area. If necessary, a work permit and relevant mitigation actions must be used.
  4. If damage to the device occurs, the classification of the device is no longer valid, and the unit shall not be used in classified area. The device shall be handed inn according to local routines.

Abnormal situation

  1. General alarm: Follow the local alarm instruction bring the DFW unit with you to muster station
  2. Prepare for evacuation: Follow the local alarm instruction bring the DFW unit with you to muster station/ lifeboat station

After using the device

Charge your unit in un-classified area using only approved charger.

Hardware requirements

To use the DFW equipment, it is important that everyone follows the requirements and guidelines for the equipment. On this page you will find information you need to be aware of before using any DFW equipment on Equinor installations.

iPad Zone 1. iPhone Zone 1. iPad Zone 2. iPhone Zone 2.

Equinor hardware requirements

Equinor has created requirements for portable and personal carried electronic equipment. Hardware must be tested and qualified according to these requirements to be used on Equinor installations.

The table below describes where you can use the different types of qualified or not qualified EX equipment on Equinor installations.

Equinor criteria for EX certified portable equipment

EXZone 0 or 1

EXZone 2


May be used without restrictions

May be used without restrictions within zone 2 areas on facilities with limited zone 1 areas

Not Qualified

May be used without restrictions when number of units are limited, and equipment has been subject to yearly approval by owner and marked with owner’s approval mark

A) Work permit is required outside living quarters, offices, and workshops. B) Get equipment qualified according to Equinor’s qualifications tests.

Limited zone 1 areas: The flare, measuring station, pig launchers/receivers. Qualified Zone 2 equipment can only be used in Zone 1 areas in accordance with an approved Work Permit (WP) with risk assessment and implementation of risk reduction measures.

Equinor’s qualifications tests are described in the next section.

Equinor’s qualification tests:

The PDF below describes Equinor’s qualification tests for EX certified portable equipment. These tests shall be performed and documented by approved 3rd party.

Equinor’s qualification tests for EX certified portable equipment (PDF)

Equinor approved DFW equipment:

Based on the internal requirements, Equinor has made a list of qualified equipment for use on Equinor plants and installations. The list can be found in the PDF below.

Equinor approved DFW equipment (PDF)

Yearly control of equipment

All equipment shall be controlled yearly and control to be documented.

On the Norwegian continental shelf, a sticker with the current year's colour is used to visually show that the equipment has been controlled. All equipment used on Equinor installations shall perform equivalent control and documentation.

External access to SAP:

  • Equinor requires that all contractors nominate an IT security leader that administrates mobilization/demobilization of personnel
  • IT security leader manages and coordinates all communication between the contractor’s users and Equinor
  • Equinor’s AccessIT solution is adapted in a way that allows the contractor’s IT security leaders to administrate their users and accesses. The individual user (in contractor company) will not be able to apply for their own SAP access in AccessIT


Vendors are responsible for IT support of their own devices and applications.