To foster research, study, development and innovation, we are making data available to suppliers and academia.

Data sharing in Equinor
Environmental Monitoring Database (MOD)
Data from authority required sediment monitoring of offshore installations on the Norwegian continental shelf are stored in the Environmental Monitoring Database (MOD).
The database contains millions of infaunal species records, along with chemical and geological data derived from stations around offshore infrastructure. The data are primarily gathered through grab sampling conducted annually, typically around May and June, though not every station is sampled each year. Instead, sampling often follows a triennial schedule at each station, with some locations maintaining records since the 1990s.
The MOD dataset available at is limited to licenses operated by Equinor. Additional information can be accessed in the below link.
Environmental Monitoring Database (MOD)
Disclosing all Volve data
In June 2018, Equinor published all the subsurface and production data from a field on the Norwegian Contintental Shelf for the first time. We wish to support the energy innovators of the future with complete sets of data for research and study purposes.
Volve field data set download
Northern Lights
The Northern Lights project will disclose datasets from the confirmation well 31/5-7 Eos. Extensive amounts of data have been acquired through coring, logging, sampling and a production test. Willing to share knowledge in a transparent manner the Northern Lights projects partners have decided to give open access to 31/5 Eos well data and make such data available for download. The Northern Lights project believes data sharing can play an important role in building trust in the technology as well as unlocking value and innovation potential in the CCS industry.
Press release October 2020
Hywind Scotland
Operational data from the world’s first floating offshore wind farm, Hywind Scotland, is now available to access on a free-to-use basis for supply chain businesses and academia through the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult’s Platform for Operational Data (POD) service. This is additional to the complete set of data from the decommissioned North Sea oil field, Volve, available under a Creative Commons Licence, published in 2018.
CO2 DataShare
Sharing of reference datasets from pioneering CO2 storage projects is essential to accelerate improved understanding, build capacity, reduce costs and minimise uncertainties associated with CO2 storage in deep geological formations.
The CO2 Storage Data Consortium launched the CO2 DataShare online portal in January 2020, for the purpose of disseminating available reference datasets from industry and pilot projects related to real geological CO2 storage operations.
CO2 DataShare online portal
Cold-water corals on the NCS
Equinor performs cold-water coral surveys on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) as part of regular environmental monitoring. The results of these surveys can be accessed here.
Equinor Coral Dataset
Marine mammal baseline, Johan Castberg 2021
Acoustic data were recorded at the Johan Castberg field in the southern Barents Sea at three locations from October 2018 until June 2019 to assess the presence of marine mammals and characterise the underwater soundscape.
Five marine mammal species were detected during the study: fin whale, humpback whale, killer whale, sperm whale and a dolphin species whose signals were tentatively attributed to white-beaked dolphins on the basis of sighting records in the area and habitat preference of this species. Additional information can be accessed in the below link.
Marine Mammal Baseline Dataset