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Conditions of sales

Crude oil, Condensate and Petroleum Products, including Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Equinor ASA General Terms and Conditions for Sales for Crude Oil, Condensate and Petroleum Products, including Liquefied Petroleum Gas, 2022 Edition (the “GT&Cs”) constitute the second part of a sales contract and the Special Provisions (as defined in the GT&Cs) negotiated and agreed between a buyer and a seller form the first part of such agreements.

The GT&Cs are applicable for all forms of deliveries and will be valid and in effect for sale transactions concluded from 1st September2022 between Equinor ASA and its counterparties, replacing the Statoil ASA General Terms and Conditions for Sales, 2011 Version, for Crude Oil, Condensate and Petroleum Products, including Liquefied Petroleum Gas:

Marine Fuels

The Statoil ASA “Conditions of Sale Applicable to Marine Fuels Sales” remain valid and in effect:

Prod Marine fuels sale (PDF)