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Record set

October 3, 2006, 09:00 CEST

Katie Melua came directly to Troll A from a concert tour in North America. (Photo: Kjetil Alsvik)

The concert venue 303 metres below sea level qualified for "the world's deepest underwater concert performed in front of an audience".

Together with her five band members, the Georgian-Irish artist played for around 35 minutes.

"This was definitely the most surreal gig I've ever done," Ms Melua said during the concert. The environmentally aware artist pointed out that she had looked at Statoil's environmental profile before she agreed to do the concert and the profile met her requirements.

Platform manager Jan Hauge had the idea of a concert in the shaft as part of the 10-year anniversary of gas production starting on Troll A. He even got to tickle the ivories on the electric piano during one of the numbers.

"A fantastic experience," he said.

Astrid Sørensen, senior vice president for the Troll/Sleipner business cluster, was in the audience.

"Cool," she said. "This underpins Troll's significance to Norway as a gas nation and it is a feather in our cap as a company."

Editor-in-chief Craig Glenday of The Guinness Book of Records says that all criteria were met before he approved the record.

Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) will show a programme from the Melua concert on Saturday, and a documentary will be shown on the same channel around Christmas. Possible international distribution to be added and produced by the Norwegian production company Dinamo Story.