The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for day-to-day operations, and presents proposals for strategy, goals, actions and financial statements, as well as important investments, to the Corporate Executive Committee.
Equinor’s Corporate Executive Committee

Gina Krog.
Photo: Einar Aslaksen

Anders Opedal
President and Chief Executive Officer
Torgrim Reitan
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial OfficerJannicke Nilsson
Executive Vice PresidentSafety, Security & SustainabilityKjetil Hove
Executive Vice PresidentExploration & Production NorwayPhilippe François Mathieu
Executive Vice PresidentExploration & Production InternationalGeir Tungesvik
Executive Vice PresidentProjects, Drilling & ProcurementIrene Rummelhoff
Executive Vice PresidentMarketing, Midstream & ProcessingJens Økland
Acting Executive Vice PresidentRenewablesHege Skryseth
Executive Vice PresidentTechnology, Digital & InnovationSiv Helen Rygh Torstensen
Executive Vice PresidentLegal & ComplianceJannik Lindbæk
Executive Vice PresidentCommunicationAksel Stenerud
Executive Vice PresidentPeople & Organisation