Maximum utilization of power from shore to Utsira High helps further reduce emissions

From 2022 the Johan Sverdrup field will supply the Gina Krog, Ivar Aasen and Edvard Grieg fields with power from shore. The area’s licence partners have recently agreed on maximizing the utilization of power from shore to the area by enabling partial electrification of the Sleipner field centre as well. The overall area solution will contribute to an average reduction in CO₂ emissions close to 1.2 million tonnes of CO₂ per year.
“The Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) is leading in producing oil and gas with low greenhouse gas emissions. By enabling partial electrification of Sleipner and tie-in fields, we are making maximum utilization of the area solution for power from shore to the Utsira High to further reduce emissions from the NCS,” says Anders Opedal, executive vice president for Technology, projects & drilling in Equinor.
The original area solution for power from shore to the Utsira High comprises the Johan Sverdrup, Edvard Grieg, Gina Krog and Ivar Aasen fields. The power from shore solution included in the second phase of the Johan Sverdrup development will provide additional capacity of 35 MW in order to meet increased power demand from existing or additional fields in the future.
Based on the result of recent negotiations by the licence partners, the Sleipner field centre, together with the Gudrun platform and other tie-ins, will receive power from shore to meet parts of their power demand. This solution will also ensure that the Lundin Norway-operated Edvard Grieg platform will be able to fully meet its power demand through power from shore.
Emission reductions based on the Utsira High area solution are estimated at more than 1 million tonnes of CO₂ on average per year. Further emission reductions by partial electrification of Sleipner are estimated at more than 150,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year.

“I am pleased that the Sleipner licence partners support a solution enabling the Sleipner field centre and tie-ins to be connected to the power from shore solution. It was not an easy task to find a technical and commercial solution that meets the needs of all licences in this area, so I would like to thank all involved companies and Norwegian authorities who have helped ensure a maximum and holistic utilization of the power from shore capacity in the area,” says Opedal.
The Sleipner field centre solution calls for Sleipner to lay a power cable to the Gina Krog platform, which will be connected to the Utsira High area solution by a separate power cable by the end of 2022. In certain periods the field’s power from shore demand may exceed the capacity of the area solution. In such periods Sleipner will use gas turbines to cover its shortage.
The industry’s NOx Fund provides up to NOK 430 million to realize the partial electrification of Sleipner and tie-ins.
The Sleipner licence partners are planning to make a final investment decision during the second quarter of 2020.
“This initiative is another example of the good work done by the industry, in good cooperation with Norwegian authorities, to meet ambitious goals for emissions cuts on the NCS. Due to the transition we are facing on the NCS, we must reduce the carbon footprint from our operations to protect and develop the value from the Norwegian shelf,” says Arne Sigve Nylund, executive vice president for Development & production Norway in Equinor.
Related pages and downloads
- Avoided emissions from the Johan Sverdrup field resulting from power from shore solution amounts to 620,000 tonnes of CO₂ on average per year during the field life.
- The Utsira High area solution will reduce emissions from Gina Krog corresponding to 100,000 tonnes of CO₂per year, from Edvard Grieg corresponding to 200,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year and from Ivar Aasen corresponding to 100,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year.
- Further cuts in emissions from Sleipner and tie-ins are estimated at more than 150,000 tonnes of CO₂ on average per year.
- The Utsira High area power from shore solution was originally planned for four fields – Johan Sverdrup, Edvard Grieg, Ivar Aasen and Gina Krog. With the extension of the area solution, an additional six fields – and a total of ten fields – will receive power through the Utsira High area solution: Sleipner, Gudrun, Utgard, Gungne, Sigyn and Solveig.
- The licenses that now will receive power from shore from the Utsira High area solution are operated by Equinor, Lundin Norway and Aker BP. In addition, the following companies have ownership stakes in one or more of the relevant fields: Petoro, Total, OMV, Wintershall, Spirit Energy, Neptune Energy, OKEA, KUFPEC, PGNiG, ExxonMobil, Lotos og Repsol.