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Snorre quarters job awarded

June 12, 2006, 11:00 CEST

A contract worth about NOK 160 million for hook-up of a new quarters module on Snorre A in the North Sea has been awarded by operator Statoil to Sørco.

This Stavanger-based company will also be carrying out necessary modification work on the platform.

“We’re pursuing an extensive programme for further development of Snorre A,” explains Lars Christian Bacher, Statoil’s senior vice president for the Tampen area.

“This will extend the producing life of the field. Substantial oil and gas resources are still available in the Snorre area.”

Norway’s Leirvik Module Technology was awarded the job of building the module this spring. It will contain a control room, cabins and galley.

Sørco is due to start design work at once, with prefabrication of structures and pipework beginning in the late summer. Plans call for offshore work to start in the autumn.

The module will be installed as a single unit by a heavy-lift vessel during the summer of 2007, and all hook-up work is due to be completed by the following October.