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Ormen Lange on Discovery Channel tonight!

April 25, 2006, 10:00 CEST

At nine o'clock tonight Discovery Channel for the Nordic countries launches its series "Building the Biggest". The first programme is a one-hour documentary about Ormen Lange that covers every aspect of the development, from the field's discovery to lifting operations, pipelaying and subsea excavations.

"It will be quite a thrill to see the result of so many months' work broadcast on such a respected technology channel. If there's one project that deserves a thorough documentary, it's Ormen Lange. The project is packed with so many spectacular elements they could have done an entire series on Ormen Lange alone," says Vegar Stokset, Hydro's information manager for Ormen Lange.

Work on the documentary started last autumn. The five-strong film team from Discovery UK concentrated their film footage on Nyhamna, pipelaying vessel LB200 (now called Acergy Piper), the Spider excavator and lifting vessel Thialf.

"It's not possible to do justice to the whole project in 10 days' filming. But in my opinion they have done a great job in focusing on many of the technologically demanding aspects and the people behind them that make it all possible," adds Stokset.

The series, entitled "Building the Biggest", deals with everything from pipelines to power stations and skyscrapers. "The biggest, the longest, the fastest, the scariest. Engineers are taking their skills into literally uncharted territories" is how Discovery describes the series on its Nordic Internet sites.

If you are not able to tune in tonight, you'll have a new chance to see the programme on Discovery Channel at the same time on 25 July.

And in two weeks a film team from the National Geographic Channel in Canada will arrive to make a similar documentary for their "Megastructures" series.