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Deal boosts waste recovery

May 5, 1999, 14:00 CEST

A new contract to coordinate waste recovery activities in Statoil has been awarded for its facilities on land and offshore Norway.

Under this deal, the Renovasjon Nord company will handle almost 90 per cent of the waste generated by the group's Norwegian operations.

The contract runs for three to five years and is worth some NOK 80 million per annum, says staff engineer Keith Roebuck, who is working to implement it.

This agreement replaces several earlier contracts, he explains. Such integration will provide savings by reducing administration as well as coordinating training and handling. It also ensures a uniform quality of waste treatment in Statoil.

Renovasjon Nord will send sorted commercial and hazardous waste to recovery and deposition from the land-based plants at Tjeldbergodden and Kollsnes as well as from the four bases used by Statoil in Stavanger, Bergen, Florø and Kristiansund.

The company will also sort any unsorted waste to increase recycling, provide expertise and training on waste management, and develop relevant skills among Statoil's own employees and contractor personnel.