Equinor’s 2024 safety results

2024 was marked by the helicopter accident that occurred outside Bergen on 28 February, in which an Equinor employee lost her life.
“This was a tragic accident that has deeply affected us. It is crucial that we continue the work to continuously improve safety in our industry," says Jannicke Nilsson, executive vice president for safety, security and sustainability.
Equinor’s 2024 safety results show an overall positive trend at the end of the year.
For the fourth quarter of 2024, the serious incident frequency per million hours worked (SIF) was 0.3, down from 0.4 at the end of 2023. Serious injuries are also included in the serious incident statistics.

“We see that the overall safety results are improving, the positive trend demonstrating that systematic efforts over time are paying off,” says Nilsson.
The injury trend has also improved. For 2024 the total recordable injury frequency per million hours worked (TRIF) is 2.3, down from 2.4 in 2023.
A total of seven oil and gas leaks have been registered in 2024, this is a decrease from ten at the end of 2023. Oil and gas leaks are classified according to the severity of the leak rate.
Interaction and learning
Through the "Always safe" annual wheel, Equinor is working with other operating companies and suppliers to increase the understanding of which factors can get in the way of safe work performance. The focus for the first quarter of this year is on the prevention of major accidents.
In 2024, we saw an increased use of the learning material within the “Always safe” initiative. Around 3800 teams completed the final learning package of the year, which focused on health and working environment. This corresponds to over 40,000 people, both employees and suppliers.
The learning packages are an important way of sharing learnings and insights across the industry.
"We strongly believe that long-term and systematic collaboration, dialogue and common goals with the suppliers will improve our safety efforts," says Nilsson.

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