Arkansas Lithium project finalized USD 225 million award
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Aerial footage of the Southwest Arkansas project
Photo: Standard Lithium
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) finalized the Standard Lithium and Equinor USD 225 million grant for the South West Arkansas (SWA) lithium project.
Mineral extraction from brines
- DLE is a method of producing lithium from lithium-rich saltwater typically from deep underground reservoirs which cannot be used for drinking or agriculture purposes
- Lithium is separated from other brine constituents, like sodium, calcium and magnesium, by bringing the brine into contact with a medium designed to selectively attract the lithium
- DLE is a technology that extracts lithium from brines located deep underground and reinjects the brine without lithium back into the subsurface through a second injector well
- DLE technologies produce a high purity lithium concentrate which can be converted into battery grade lithium chemicals using conventional processing technologies
- Integrated DLE processes typically consist of five main steps: pre-treatment, DLE, concentration, purification and crystallisation
- Equinor began testing DLE technologies in 2018 to build an understanding of how to scale-up including pre-treatment of subsurface brines and processing to battery grade lithium chemicals.
In 2021, Equinor Ventures invested in Lithium de France which is developing DLE and geothermal projects in France.