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Heavy lifting at Wergeland Base in Gulen

Heavy lifting is best done together

  • Equinor @50
  • Energy transition & net zero
  • People & perspectives

There has been no shortage of challenges and heavy lifts over the past 50 years. Going forward, it is more important than ever to believe in cooperation.

Throughout Equinor's 50-year history, there has been no shortage of obstacles and heavy lifting. Today we are facing the heaviest lift ever. The climate crisis forces us to think new and to think fast. The realities we are faced with can seem like an insoluble knot: the world needs more energy, but it's also crucial to cut emissions and carry out a major energy transition.

But nothing is impossible, as long as we do it together.

At Equinor, we work with 8,000 suppliers spread across the nation and outside Norway's borders. Some of them are very small, and some are very large. Without them, there wouldn’t be an Equinor. And without them, it would be difficult to work toward the world's common ambition: a climate-neutral world by 2050.

Our partners develop the industrial solutions together with us.

Ideas and solutions become valuable when they are implemented. Our partners develop the industrial solutions together with us. One example is floating wind farms at sea, an essential piece in the renewable puzzle. We are now building the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm. It will supply installations in the North Sea with electricity.

No one has done it before. Now we’re doing it together.

When the wind farm begins to produce electricity in the near future, it will mark another step forward for Norway as an energy nation. Hywind Tampen will help reduce emissions on the Snorre and Gullfaks fields. This could be the start of a new industrial chapter in Norway. We have seen this in real-life in Sløvåg recently, where the wind turbines have been assembled. Floating offshore wind will also be able to supply large amounts of renewable energy to shore in the future.

The energy transition and restructuring of the world’s energy systems is a large and demanding task. But when the challenges seem impossible, it is vital to think about the following: Everything around us was considered unlikely at one point in history. Now we’re developing new energy and a new industry based on expertise that we’ve built up together over the last 50 years.

It is more important than ever to believe in collaboration. We can't let the challenges we face take away the energy that we need to solve them.

This is a special thank you to all of our suppliers and partners for the last 50 years.

This is one of many stories from our first 50 years. It is also part of the story of how we will succeed with the energy transition.

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