To deliver safe, secure and sustainable energy today and in the future, we need the competence and capabilities being developed through academia.
Collaborating with leading academic communities and research institutes in various fields is important both for us and society as a whole.
Solving the challenges of the energy transition is going to take a lot of research and innovation. And we won’t be able to do all of that ourselves. That’s why we partner with universities; to help lay a groundwork for where research and development can thrive and push us forward.
In Equinor we fund basic research in Norway through agreement with major universities. Funding basic research is essential to foster better understanding to develop new competence and capabilities.
We also work with research institutions, research centers for collaboration and international projects in partnerships to solve technological challenges.
One such challenge is the is the use of multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids that are important to scale the deployment of offshore wind. We have therefore partnered in one of theEU’s largest research projects, InterOPERA.
Equinor has extensive amounts of data that we have acquired as part of our operations.
Data from the Northern Lights well that will store CO2 from industrial emitters is also shared so that interested parties like academia and research institutions can validate and conduct further research for the benefit of the emerging carbon capture and storage (CCS) industry.