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Bacalhau FPSO
Bacalhau FPSO.
Photo: MODEC

Bacalhau: Leading the way to low-carbon energy in the pre-salt region, Brazil

The Bacalhau field is located in the Santos Basin in two licenses: BM-S-8 and Norte de Carcará.

The asset has a high-quality carbonate reservoir containing light oil. Equinor acquired the operatorship in 2016.

Bacalhau is the first project in the Brazilian pre-salt area to be entirely developed by an international operator and where Equinor uses its global competence and local expertise to generate value with low emissions.

  • icon multiple barrels

    >1 Billion boe

    Accumulated production potential

  • icon platform


    Production start

  • icon barrel

    220,000 barrels/day

    Production capacity

  • icon co2

    < 9 kg CO2

    Average emissions per barrel

In 2021, together with our partners, ExxonMobil (40%) and Petrogal Brasil (20%), Equinor announced the investment of approximately USD 8 billion for Bacalhau Phase 1, demonstrating our commitment to Brazil and supporting our strategic ambition to continue growing in the country as a relevant area for Equinor.

Bacalhau Phase 1 drilling campaign started in 2022 and comprises 19 wells. The field is situated in ultra-deep water with depths of more than 2000 meters and has a complex reservoir with 900 bar pressure. With over 1 billion of estimated recovery reserves for Phase 1, Bacalhau will be important not only for Brazil but also for the global market. The field will provide energy with low emissions while creating local job opportunities and ripple effects for the supply chain.

Bacalhau FSOP
Bacalhau will feature one of the largest FPSOs in Brazil. The ship is 370 meters long and 64 meters wide, with a production capacity of 220,000 barrels of oil per day. First oil is expected in 2025.

Combined Cycle: the technology behind emissions reductions

The Bacalhau FPSO is not only impressive in scale but, more importantly, in efficiency. Bacalhau will be the first asset to have a FPSO in Brazil which uses combined cycle gas turbines, significantly reducing our carbon emissions.

The technology combines a gas turbine with a steam turbine to take advantage of excess heat that would otherwise be lost. Four gas turbines and two steam turbines will generate more power with the same amount of gas used.

The introduction of combined cycle technology increases energy efficiency and reduces COâ‚‚ emissions by about 110K tons/year, which is about 3 million tons over the field lifetime. The field is expected to have a COâ‚‚ intensity lower than 9kg/barrel.

Our ambition is to be a leading company in the energy transition, providing societies with the energy they need – in a secure, affordable, and sustainable way.

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Check out how the Bacalhau field will launch Equinor’s next generation of projects using technology to reduce the carbon footprint in the field.

A valued partner in Brazil

To Equinor is very important to create value where we operate. Our core business and supply chain deliver energy to millions of people globally while creating significant economic value. This is achieved through taxes, jobs, skill development, education, innovation, and social impact. We believe businesses must actively contribute to the societies they serve.

Bacalhau Topside modules sail away October 2023
Bacalhau Topside modules sail away October 2023.
Photo: Eva Sleire

Bacalhau is expected to create up to 50,000 direct and indirect jobs throughout the field’s lifecycle, contributing significantly to local economic development. During its development phase, we have ensured a high level of local content, with 60% of the submarine scope delivered by local suppliers, further strengthening Brazil’s supply chain and industries.

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 Bacalhau FPSO module installation
Bacalhau FPSO module installation.
Photo: Jonny Engelsvoll

Developing a complex reservoir

Bacalhau is one of the most complex oil and gas projects under development in the world. This is due to the characteristics of its reservoir. The field is located in ultra-deep waters, with depths of more than 2,000 meters, and has a complex reservoir with a pressure of 900 bar. To date, that is the deepest development well drilled for Equinor. To develop a high quality, complex, high-pressure and ultra deepwater reservoir, requires a multidisciplinary collaboration with focus on safety.

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  • Discovery was made by Petrobras in 2012
  • Equinor operator since 2016
  • First oil is expected in 2025
  • Bacalhau will be the first greenfield development in the pre-salt by an international operator
  • Located 185 km from the coast of the municipality of Ilhabela/SP, in the state of São Paulo, in water depths of above 2,000 meters
  • Phase 1 reserves are > 1 billion barrels and with production capacity of 220,000 boe/d
  • The partners in Bacalhau: Equinor (40%, operator), ExxonMobil (40%), Petrogal Brasil (20%) and Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A (PPSA contract manager for PSA).