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Njord A
Njord A
Photo: Thomas Sola

Njord is located in the Norwegian Sea, 30 kilometres west of Draugen. The field development concept includes a floating steel platform, Njord A, featuring an integrated deck with drilling and processing facilities and living quarters, and the Njord B storage vessel.

Njord was discovered in 1986, and the plan for development and operation (PUD) was approved in 1995. Production started in 1997 and in the period up to 2016 the field produced 167 million barrels of oil and 11 billion standard cubic meters of gas.

The field was originally supposed to produce until 2013, but increased recovery rates and new discoveries near the field have made it possible to extend the field's economic life.

The Hyme field is connected to the Njord A facility and started production in 2013.

In the period from 2016 to 2022, the platform and the storage ship underwent an extensive rebuild and were prepared for operation until 2040.
In December 2022, production Njord started up again. Now the field will produce for another 20 years and the ambition is to produce as much as has been produced up to today, over 250 million barrels of oil equivalent.

In April 2023, production started from the Bauge subsea field. The Vår Energi-operated Fenja field is linked to the Njord A installation and also started producing in April.

Location: Block 6407/7 and 6407/10, some 130 kilometres northwest of Kristiansund and 30 kilometres west of the Draugen field.

Start-up: 30 September 1997

Production: Oil and gas

Partnership: Harbour Energy Norge AS (50%), Equinor (operator, 27.5%), Vår Energi ASA (22.5%).


Hyme is a small oil field developed by means of a subsea installation tied back to the Njord A platform. The Hyme field was discovered at Haltenbanken in June 2009, 19 kilometres northeast of the Njord A platform.

The field is tied back to the existing infrastructure on Njord A.
The field development concept includes a production well and a water injection well drilled through a four-slot subsea template.

In addition to being a commercial development project by itself, Hyme helps extend the productive life of the Njord field.

Partnership: Equinor (operator, 42.5%), Vår Energi ASA (30%), Harbour Energy Norge AS (27.5%).