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A floating production and storage ship offshore
The FPSO PSVM at block 31 offshore Angola
Photo: Richard Davies/BP

The Angolan continental shelf is one of the largest contributors to our oil production outside Norway, since 1991, when we first entered the Angolan market. We are currently producing from three blocks.

Essential today, essential tomorrow.

Angola has been a key market for Equinor through the last three decades—with significant proven reserves. Its untapped fields and overall potential make Angola an important country within our international portfolio in the years to come. Through maximising value from our existing assets and new exploration opportunities we have a long-term commitment to Angola.

How to find us in Angola

Belas business park
Edifício Luanda 3º andar - Talatona

Tel: +244 222 640 939

Equinor in Angola

Equinor is a partner in three Angolan offshore producing blocks in the Congo basin on the Angolan continental shelf totaling an equity production of around 110,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (2022).

Block 17

Block 17 was one of the first deep-offshore blocks to be licensed in Angola and has historically been one of the most prolific in the Angolan Oil history. The so-called "Golden block" is located in deep water approximately 135 kilometres from the north-eastern part of Angola. Production from the block accounts for 75% of Equinor’s oil production in Angola. Block 17 oil reserves are being developed through production hubs, floating production storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs) and via subsea well technology. Our equity interest in the block is 22.1635%. Average daily equity production is approximately 85,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (2022). The licence has been extended to 2045.

Block 15

Situated approximately 145 kilometres off the northern coast of Angola. Equinor’s equity interest in the block is 12%. Average daily equity production is approximately 18,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (2022).

It was assigned to ExxonMobil in 1994, with first production commencing in 2003 from Xicomba field. Production from Kizomba A, Kizomba B and Kizomba C began in 2004, 2005 and 2008 respectively. The first production from phase I of the Kizomba satellite project was achieved in May 2012. Phase 2 of the Kizomba satellite project came on stream in May 2015. Production from the block currently comes from four floating production storage and offloading vessels (FPSOs): Kizomba A, Kizomba B, Mondo and Saxi Batuque. The licence has been extended to 2032.

Block 31

PSVM consists of four oil fields - Plutão, Saturno, Vénus and Marte – all discovered between 2002 and 2004 in water depths of up to 2,000 metres, in the North East part of Block 31. Equinor’s equity interest in the block is 13.33%.

Production from the block started December 2012 and reached the plateau rate (171,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day) in February 2014. Average daily equity production is approximately 8,400 barrels of oil equivalent per day (2022). 26 exploration wells and 6 appraisal wells have revealed 19 discoveries from which 4 have been developed so far (PSVM). The remaining 15 undeveloped discoveries are geographically spread over a considerably large area.

Block 31/21

Block 31/21 is a Production Sharing Contract in which Equinor is a partner together with Azule Energy who is the operator, both with a 50% participating interest. The block is located within the open area of Block 31, in the Lower Congo basin.

Block 1/14

Block 1/14 is a Risk Service Contract. ENI (35%) is the operator with partners Equinor (30%), Sonangol P&P (25%) and local company ACREP (10%). The block is located in the Lower Congo basin – east of the prolific block 15/06.

Block 29

Block 29 is a Production Sharing Contract. TotalEnergies (42.80%) is the operator with partners Equinor (22.80%), BP (8.80%), Petronas (5.60%) and Sonangol (20%).

The block is located in the Namibe basin which is an underexplored area offshore Angola.

Blocks 46 and 47

Blocks 46 and 47 are Risk Service Agreements in which Equinor is a partner with 40% participating interest, Azule Energy, who is the operator, also holds a 40% participating interest and Sonangol owns the remaining 20%. The blocks are located in the Lower Congo basin, offshore Angola.

A partnership for mutual development

When Norway struck oil in the 1970s its oil and gas industry had catching up to do. International companies were invited to set up joint ventures and agreements to help the industry develop — and now look where we are today. The same approach can apply to Angola where the combination of collaboration with local partners and investment in the local area can develop the Angolan industry. Development of the state-owned company, Sonangol – now focused on its core, as well as creation of the National Agency of Petroleum and Gas (ANPG) as the new regulator for the country’s oil industry, are key in this strategy. Equinor will continue to work closely with local authorities to share knowledge and competencies from NCS.

Equinor believes in being a proactive force for growth in the communities where we operate. We are responsible neighbours and want to go beyond business transactions and put purpose in what we do.

Equinor has historically provided support to increase the capacity and expertise in geoscience and petroleum engineering through the establishment of MSc and PhD programmes in Angola, and also with educational projects in rural areas of Angola. In addition, we have supported the efforts to clearing mines across the country left over from the civil war that ended in 2002 and also contributed to a range of other sustainable projects in areas like health and safety, access to water, human rights or climate change adaption.

We think that we can provide valuable operational and technological experience from NCS, increasing value and reducing carbon footprint.