"The changes in the current sailing routes are essential if we are to remain competitive in the time ahead," says Statoil NCS logistics and emergency preparedness head Gunnar Breivik. He adds that reducing logistics costs is an important element in extending the lifetime of our operated fields, as logistics costs account for around 10% of the operating costs for an installation.
More cost efficient, better for the environment
This change is an important contribution to the work of making operations on the Norwegian continental shelf more cost efficient and better for the environment. At the same time, the objective is a seamless change for the installations being supplied from these four bases. It has also been important for Statoil to maintain activity at all of the affected bases, but not necessarily the same type of activities as before.
Gunnar Breivik, head of logistics and emergency preparedness on the NCS.
Safeguarding employee interests
The change in sailing route will mean a change in activity at the affected bases.
"Following up our employees is important for us, particularly at Ågotnes and Florø. We will be devoting ample time to find good solutions for each employee," says Breivik. "At the same time, we must work closely with the base companies to see which measures we can initiate, either individually or together, to reduce negative effects."
"This could entail moving other activities that do not rely on supply boats, supporting initiatives in local/regional education, enhancing efforts in specialised areas where the bases already have an advantage, among other things."
"According to the plan, most of the effects will be implemented during the course of 2015, when we enter into new base contracts. However, we will take the time we need to put all the practical details into place."