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Making a commitment to science teaching

August 21, 2009, 13:04 CEST
This Teach First Norway scheme will provide a two-year development programme for new graduates holding an MSc in the physical sciences, and starts with an intensive course in the UK.

Participants will then teach maths and science at selected secondary schools and further education colleges in Oslo while pursuing a demanding course which includes formal teaching skills.

Jens R Jenssen, StatoilHydro’s head of human resources.

(Photo: Anne Lise Norheim)

“To achieve our ambition of being a competitive global group, we must plan for an appropriate supply of relevant expertise,” says Jens R Jenssen, StatoilHydro’s head of human resources.

“That applies both immediately and for the long term, and the physical sciences naturally occupy a very central place in this context.”

The agreement with the UDE represents an important component in a commitment to the teacher role, education and student results in maths and science.

StatoilHydro’s primary contribution to the programme will be financial support and the use of its processes and arenas for recruitment and promotion among new graduates. It will also contribute somewhat to the content.

The oil and gas industry needs highly qualified scientific expertise. Through the programme, teachers educated to MSc level will help to boost understanding of and motivation for these subjects among future students and job-seekers.

“Expertise developed by the participants as teachers relates to leadership, motivation, inspiration, communication and delivering results,” explains Jenssen.

“That coincides precisely with the qualities we’re looking for in relevant job applicants.”

All the participants will be employed and paid by the City of Oslo. Experience from the UK indicates that more than half of them are likely to remain in the teaching profession.

The UDE will own and be responsible for the programme, which will give participants recognised teaching credentials after their first year.

These formal qualifications will be approved by the department for teacher training and school development at the University of Oslo.

The intensive six-week introductory course in the UK will take place before the start of the school year with financial support from StatoilHydro, including travel and accommodation.

In the second part of the programme, the trainee teachers will be linked with the educational scheme for new graduates at the group.

StatoilHydro will help to recruit participants for Teach First Norway by identifying and proposing suitable candidates. But the final decision on selection rests with the UDE.

Candidates must hold an MSc and preferably be able to teach two science subjects, as well as being highly proficient in both English and Norwegian.

In addition, those selected should have an outstanding academic record and very strong motivation as well as being personally suitable.

StatoilHydro will secure lecturers from relevant disciplines for the second stage of the programme.

All participants will be offered a job interview with the group in connection with the conclusion of the programme.

StatoilHydro regards the experience to gained from its involvement in Teach First Norway to be particularly relevant for its future recruitment.

This development programme accords with the group’s values and management principles, and it will be promoted at from 6 October 2009.

Jens R Jenssen - head of human resources, StatoilHydro
+47 48 08 02 90

Tone Rognstad - head of people marketing and attraction, StatoilHydro
+47 91 52 18 63