The Young Professional Company Award (YPCA), which was first held two years ago, is being arranged again this year at the Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) conference and exhibition in Stavanger. Statoil's team is presenting their vision for the future of gas.
Young employees from five companies will demonstrate their talents and compete for the YPCA. The contribution of the Statoil team is entitled "What are the options and opportunities for Norwegian gas?"
"We will present a vision where we go beyond current established strategies and look at the gas future with new eyes," explains Mette Toft Bjørgen. "We will challenge the definition of gas, how we use it and how we transport it."
Ms Bjørgen is one of the five Statoil team members. They are all corporate trainees, but from two different years and representing different areas of expertise.
Kent Inge Stenberg Ryen (left), international business development; Ingeborg Hamre Festø, information technology; Mette Toft Bjørgen, finance and accounting; Mette-Lene Berger, organisational development and Jostein Erlandsen, subsea technology. (Photo: Harald Pettersen)
Keywords for the group's vision include more flexible distribution of gas, new business opportunities and markets.
YPCA takes the form of a competition, with a jury deciding which team has the best presentation. Each team has 15 minutes, and is assessed according to their message and how creatively they relay it.
For the first time this year the stage presentations are to be spread over the four days of the conference, making it a more integrated part of ONS. The winners will be selected by a jury comprising representatives from politics, industry and communication.
The other companies participating in the competition are ExxonMobil, Det Norske Veritas, Paladin Resources and Accenture.