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Gjøa contract to Technip Norge

June 17, 2008, 11:37 CEST

The Gjøa field is being developed with a semi-submersible platform. (Illustration: StatoilHydro/Øyvind Thorsdalen)

The contract is worth some NOK 500 million, and the work will start immediately. Technip has previously been awarded the contract for the fabrication and installation of the in-field pipelines and will also perform unmanned subsea operations.

The contract includes:

  • fabrication and installation of tie-in structures for the in-field pipelines and export pipelines
  • fabrication and installation of expansion loops and guards
  • tie-in of risers, in-field pipelines and export pipelines towards tie-in structures and templates
  • water filling, cleaning, dimension control and pressure testing of pipelines

The fabrication work will start during the autumn of 2008. The extensive installation work will continue through the 2009 season.

Extensive experience
"Technip has extensive experience of this type of operations, and we expect a good alignment between their contracts within pipe-laying and hook-up activities on the Gjøa field," says Bjørn Midttun, project manager for Gjøa Subsea and Pipelines.

Parts of the work, including the installation of structures, will be performed by the new vessel ”Scandi Arctic” to be delivered at the turn of the year 2008/2009. The pipeline tie-in and preparation will be performed by the ”Normand Progress” and ”Fugro Saltire”.

"Some ten contracts for marine operations have now been established. As early as in July this year we will start the activity on the field with the installation of subsea templates and dumping of rocks. In 2009 more than 20 vessels will be involved in the installation activities on the field. With some 1000 planned vessel days we are now entering a demanding and exciting period of the Gjøa project," says Kjetel Digre, project manager for Gjøa.

StatoilHydro is operator for Gjøa in the development phase, whereas Gaz de France takes over as operator when the field comes on stream. Licensees in the licence: Gaz de France (30 percent), Petoro (30), StatoilHydro (20), Shell (12) and RWE Dea (8).