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Energy minister visited Melkøya

March 1, 2006, 00:00 CET

Statoil's chief executive Helge Lund hosted a visit by Norwegian petroleum and energy minister Odd Roger Enoksen to the Snøhvit plant at Melkøya off Hammerfest on Tuesday 28 February.

This was Mr Enoksen's first visit to the island in northern Norway. It included a presentation of the Snøhvit project and a tour of the actual plant area.

Snøhvit is a demanding project and an important strategic commitment for Statoil. The group is entering the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market, and Snøhvit is opening the US market for Norwegian gas. These were points that Mr Lund emphasised during the visit.

He also indicated the significance of predictable frame conditions for oil and gas activities in the north. Statoil wants the current petroleum policy to continue, where the authorities control activities through the award of licences in the far north.

The group has faith in future operations in the north and has applied for several exploration blocks in the 19th licensing round on the Norwegian continental shelf. Awards are expected during the first quarter of 2006.

Gas from Snøhvit will be landed at Melkøya, where it will be processed and converted to LNG from the autumn of 2007. Statoil is operator for the development and operation of Snøhvit.