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Good environmental performance

March 20, 2003, 14:30 CET

The environmental accounting for Statoil’s overall business in 2002 showed an improvement from the year before, reflecting more efficient operation and measures to reduce harmful emissions.

We’ve been good on cutting the release of pollutants to the air,” says environmental vice president Eli Aamot.

She notes that the group’s total emissions of carbon dioxide declined from 9.2 million tonnes in 2001 to 8.9 million tonnes, and of nitrogen oxides from 29,500 tonnes to 26,300.

Although Statoil achieved a seven per cent increase in oil and gas output, it cut the amount of carbon dioxide released per unit produced by almost 14 per cent.

That reduced these emissions from 41 kilograms per cubic metre of oil equivalent to 36 kilograms.

This compares with an average of about 130 kilograms per unit produced for the world oil industry, according to the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP).

Ms Aamot highlights the contribution made by Norwegian offshore platforms which produced with high regularity and little flaring of waste gas.

Another important contributor was the Kürstø processing complex north of Stavanger, owing to its efficient operation.

Ms Aamot is less satisfied with an increase in oil spills, from 414 incidents in 2001 to 431, and notes that the group’s overall target is zero discharges.

The long-term trend has also been positive, however, with a decline over five years, and the volume of spilled oil declined from 246 cubic metres to 200.

Statoil’s total discharges of chemicals off Norway were reduced by 20 per cent last year, from 76,681 tonnes in 2001 to 63,162 tonnes.