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Growth in Swedish energy market

February 26, 2003, 00:30 CET

Sweden’s Skanska construction group has picked Statoil as its principal supplier of automotive fuels, lubricating oil and heating oil in a deal worth NOK 500 million.

Running from 1 April, this two-year contract makes Skanska one of the group’s largest Swedish customers and boosts Statoil’s share of Sweden’s heating oil market to 13.5 per cent.

Statoil has about 18 per cent of the total Swedish market for lubricants. Sales manager Christina Andersson in Statoil Lubricants is very pleased over the deal with a company which takes its environmental responsibilities seriously.

“Skanska has ambitious targets for the environment, and has shown great interest in environmentally-adapted lubricants.

“That’s very gratifying to us in Statoil Lubricants, who’ve aimed for many years to become the best in the business for environmental solutions and environment-friendly products.”

The collaboration with Skanska embraces several development projects relating to such areas as wood pellets and alternative automotive fuels.

These programmes aim to reduce total carbon dioxide emissions and thereby improve environmental protection when using oil products.