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Maintenance shutdowns most extensive on Troll C

February 18, 2003, 00:00 CET

Several of the Hydro operated North Sea installations will be shutting down for short periods in the spring and summer to carry out planned maintenance tasks. A list of such shutdowns in 2003 is given here. The most extensive work will be carried out on Troll C, prior to its receiving the production flow from the Fram West field.

In June roughly 300 persons will complete and connect, on the Troll C platform, the 900 tonne Fram Vest process module. Most of the workforce will live on the floatel MSV Regalia during this period.The process module contains a separator, compressors and a metering station for the production flow from the Fram Vest subsea installations, situated 22 kilometres north of Troll C.

This platform will also shut down production for a short period in the course of May, when the process module is lifted on board by the semisubmersible crane vessel Saipem 7000.

" This is the most extensive maintenance shutdown we have had on Troll C for many years. Stopping production for 14 days is unusual for us, but this time we've a lot of completion work in connection with our preparations for the operation of Fram Vest in the autumn. In addition, we are going to inspect three separators, and carry out several modifications to improve our production process," says Roger Fauskanger. He is Troll C maintenance manager and coordinates the work to be done during the maintenance shutdown.

New metering and environmental equipment, aimed at further reducing hydrocarbon discharges, will also be installed on Troll C.

New Oseberg C gas module

On Oseberg C more extensive work, than is usual for maintenance purposes, is also imminent. A new gas module, with a process capacity of 3.5 million cubic metres per day, will be installed here. The module, roughly 20 metres high and weighing 650 tonnes, will increase gas treatment capacity and boost oil recovery. This large module will also be lifted on board by Saipem 7000.

More routine maintenance work will be carried out on the other platforms during the shutdowns. Typical for several of the installations will be the inspection of pressure tanks, separators, valves and pipelines, as well as any necessary repair work and adjustments.

The table below schedules the planned maintenance shutdowns on the Hydro operated installations during summer 2003:

28 April-8. May Oseberg C
19 May-26 May Njord A
11 June-25 June Troll C
12 June-19 June Troll B
26 June-2 July
(incl. closing down and running-in)

Oseberg Field Centre
Oseberg Øst
Oseberg Sør
Oseberg Gas Transport will be closed for six-seven days during this period