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Annual report on the net

April 5, 2002, 15:00 CEST

The electronic version of Statoil’s annual report and accounts for 2001 is being posted today to the corporate web site at

To ensure that recipients in Europe and North America receive the information simultaneously, it will become available at around 16.30 Norwegian time.

The printed version, in Norwegian and English editions, will be published on Friday 12 April.

“We’re currently active in 25 countries, and will be sending the printed edition to all our offices abroad,” says Einar Bergh, project manager for the annual report.

A total of 80,000 copies of the report are being printed in the two languages.

This is the first report since Statoil became a listed company. It will accordingly be mailed to all 63,000 shareholders together with the notification of the annual general meeting and a proxy form.

The whole report totals 148 pages. Mr Bergh says this size comes from presenting the accounts in accordance with both Norwegian and US generally accepted accounting principles.

Plans call for the accounts section to be reduced by a third in the 2002 report.