Statoil has moved up from ninth to fifth place in the annual survey carried out by the MMI Market research institute in Norway.
A representative selection of 900 people evaluated 115 of the largest companies in Norway at the beginning of June. The criteria used to assess the companies were overall impression, social/ethical responsibility, economy/profitability, environmental awareness and advertising/information.
Statoil tops the list among petroleum companies, and with its fifth place overall stands out among state-owned companies, a number of which have not done so well. Right at the top of the list is Tine Norske Meierier (Norwegian dairies), ahead of Norsk Tipping (national lottery, football pools etc).
In the category economy/profitability, Statoil moved up from fifth to second place. In view of the high oil prices and the group's excellent financial results, this comes as no surprise, according to MMI.
Statoil advances from twenty-second to sixth place with respect to advertising/information, and from twenty-sixth to eighth place for social responsibility.
The result for environmental awareness was however less favourable, with a ranking of fourteenth place this year, compared with last year's seventh place.