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Productive one-year-old

August 1, 2001, 09:15 CEST

One of Statoil’s most successful projects, the Sygna development in the Norwegian North Sea, can celebrate its first year of operation today, 1 August.

Gross revenue from the field, which lies in the north-eastern part of the Statfjord area, exceeded total investment after just eight months — a record for Norway’s offshore sector.

With an average daily output of 31,500 barrels, Sygna is the most profitable development in the Tampen area. This includes Gullfaks and Snorre as well as Statfjord.

Oil production from the subsea template over the first year amounts to 13.4 million barrels, or just under 20 per cent of the field’s total reserves.

Sygna output is piped for processing on Statoil’s Statfjord C platform, which lies 22 kilometres away — the longest wellstream transfer off Norway.

“Tying this field to existing facilities has proved a good use of infrastructure,” says project manager Håkon Lavik in the Tampen business development unit. “Flow from the reservoir is also good and stable.”