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Åsgard A arrived

February 9, 1999, 08:00 CET

The Åsgard A oil production ship arrived on this Statoil field development in the Norwegian Sea on 8 February.

Testing the vessel's dynamic positioning system, which employs five thrusters to maintain station with engine power alone, consumed the morning hours after its arrival.

Work began in the afternoon on pulling in the first pair of 12 mooring lines from the seabed and attaching them to the vessel.

"These lines will be retrieved two at a time with the aid of a couple of anchorhandling vessels," explains platform manager Svein Fredrik Fredriksen on Åsgard A. "We're due to finish this job during 10 February."

During hook-up on the field, Åsgard A is being assisted by Porto Salo, Maersk Dispatcher, Normand Atlantic and Maersk Master.

The ship left the Kloster Fjord west of Bergen in the early morning of 6 February and experienced no problems on its voyage to the Halten Bank off mid-Norway. It maintained an average speed of six-seven knots.

A total of 111 personnel are currently on the vessel, and the first regular crew change took place on the afternoon of 8 February. Normal staffing will be 116 people for the immediate future.

The aim is to bring the ship on stream during the spring.